


IIF/FI/206/2017/ 29th March 2017 The Managing Director / Editor Cite Factor Email :, Dear Sir/Madam, This is to inform you that FINANCE INDIA (ISSN : 0970 - 3772), The Quarterly Journal of Finance, published since 1987 by Indian Institute of Finance, regularly is a Two Tier Triple Blind Peer Review Journal. Its has an exalted Editorial Board of over 70 Experts from all over World including 6 Nobel Laureates headed by Prof. Dr. JD Agarwal. It is indexed and abstracted by more than 23 agencies worldwide. Finance India is placed at 125th SJIF Journal Rank out of 20,000+ Journals Indexed by Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) with SJIF Impact Factor 2016 = 4.27. You are requested to kindly considered Indexing / Abstracting / calibrating Impact Factor of the journal in your prestigious CiteFactor Indexing Impact Factor. The brief about the journal is given below. FINANCE INDIA is a Quarterly(refereed) journal of Finance of Indian Institute of Finance, published regularly since 1987. Each issue is of more than 400 pages. Some of the most prominent experts: Franco Modigliani, Merton H. Miller, Bob Merton, Bob Mundell, Douglass North, James Heckman, Rene Sultz, Dick Brealey, Jagdish Bhagwati are on the editorial board of the journal. The Journal is indexed/abstracted by 22 institutions & organization like Cabells Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Accounting, Economics and Finance 1997-98, International Bibliography of Social Sciences of the London School of Economics & Political Sciences, EconLit, JEL on CD, e-JEL, the Journal of Economic Literature, Ulrich's Periodicals DirectoryTM, ISID Research Reference of Institute of Studies in Industrial Development, Gale Directory of Publications & Broadcast Media, FI-ICP, All India Index to Periodical Literature by Nexus Information Services Company (NISC), ProQuest, Information Bulletin on Management (IIM-A), British Library for Development Studies at IDS, Online Public Access Catalogue of Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIM-A), Economic Journals on the Web, SOASEA (South Asian Economic Abstracts) of Information Research Group, FinanceWise, Social Science Information Gateway (SoSIG), FinancialStep, UGC Uzbekistan; Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF), ABDC (Austrilan Business Deans Council) and others. I am enclosing recent issue of the journal for your ready reference and use. If there is any additional information required, please do let me know. I am enclosing the information brochure on the journal. I look forward hearing from you. With Regards. Sincerely, Prof. Dr. Yamini Agarwal Associate Editor, FINANCE INDIA Dean (Research & Development) & Professor of Finance


Keywords: Finance, Economics, Management, Business, Accounting, Quantitative, Operations Research

ISSN: 0970 - 3772


Subject: Social Sciences


Year: 1987

Country: India

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