


BACA is a regular scientific journal by Center for Scientific Documentation and Information – LIPI which focuses on library and information science. Journal articles are the result of studies and research derived from literature study, field research, and best practices of Librarianship. Each content of the article contains the latest information with the priority on the values of novelty, originality, and usility. The purpose of the publication is to contribute actively in enhancing the quality and accessibility of scientific information related to the library, documentation, and information as well as librarianship literacy in the global era. Jurnal BACA is published online twice a year (semi annual) in the middle of the year (June) and in the end of the year (December).


Keywords: library information science

ISSN: 0125-9008


Subject: Library and Information Science

Publisher: Pusat Dokumentasi dan Informasi Ilmiah - Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia

Year: 2014

Country: Indonesia

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