The journal is included to the updated list of specialized pedagogical editions according to the decision of the Certifying board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (a decree №1328vid21.12.2015r).
Certificate of registration: Series KV №12270-1154 PR from 05.02.2007
The journal is registered at the International Centre of periodicals in June, 2013 (ISSN International Centre, Paris).
Since June 2013, the journal has collaborated with the Poloniyna Academy in Czestochowa, Poland.
Field of science: pedagogical science.
Program objectives (the fundamental principles) or thematic focus of the journal covers such issues: the familiarization with issues of research of general pedagogy, history of pedagogy, theory and methods of teaching, correctional pedagogy, theory and methodology of professional education, social pedagogy, theory and methodology of educational administration, theory and methodology of education, preschool education, informational and communicational technologies in education and science.
The publication is displayed in the summary database “Ukrainika naykova” (Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.)
The journal “Youth and market” is presented in the national reference and information web resource “The Ukrainian scientific journals”.
The distribution of copies to the Book Chamber and to the major research libraries of Ukraine is implemented.
Keywords: pedagogy, theory and methodology of training, vocational education, methodology of education management, preschool pedagogy, education, information and communication technologies
ISSN: ISSN 2308-4634
Subject: Education
Publisher: Drogobych State Pedagogical University by I.Franko
Year: 2002 year
Country: Ukraine
Views: 692
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