

Journal of Toxicology and Risk Assessment

Journal of Toxicology and Risk Assessment is a global, open access, peer reviewed journal that publishes wide variety articles on all the aspects of the adverse effects of chemical, physical, or biological agents on people and the environment and assessing the risk involved. JTRA provides forum for publication, education, and exchange of opinions globally. It acts as a platform for the authors to contribute their findings and help raise awareness among community on toxicity assessment and prevention. We aim to provide free, immediate and unlimited access to highest quality clinical content via open access platform.


Keywords: Basic Toxicology, Public Health Toxicology, Environmental Toxicology, Computational Toxicology, Forensic Toxicology, Toxicology of Natural Products, Chemotherapy, Hepatoxic, Nephrotoxic and Neurotoxic Agents, Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, Toxicogenomics, Risk Assessment, Risk Management, Aquatic Toxicology, Automatism (Toxicology), Ecotoxicology, Entomotoxicology, Environmental Toxicology, Enzyme Inhibition, Forensic Toxicology, In vitro Toxicology, Indicative Limit Value, Medical Toxicology, Modes of Toxic Action, Overdose, Pollution, Toxicity, Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, Toxinology

ISSN: 2572-4061


Subject: Medicine (General)

Publisher: ClinMed International Library

Year: 2015

Country: United States

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