

Environmental Health Engineering and Management Journal

Environmental Health Engineering and Management, is an English language, peer-reviewed, academic multidisciplinary journal. It is an official Journal of Environmental Health Engineering Research Center affiliated Kerman University of Medical Sciences. It aims to offer a forum for publishing high quality research and original ideas, for a wide audience from diverse disciplines.


Keywords: Water pollution and treatment processes Water resources management Wastewater collection, treatment, reuse and disposal Solid waste management (Municipal Solid Waste, radioactive and medical waste, hazardous waste, …) Air pollution and control Soil pollution and bioremediation Radiation protection Noise pollution and its control Food safety and hygiene Environmental Biotechnology and nanotechnology Renewable energy and alternative technology Environmental economics Human ecology Ecological impact of pollutant Environmental health education Environmental Health and quality of life Health and Environmental risk assessment Environmental impact assessment (EIA) Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Health, safety, environment and quality management system (HSEQ-MS) Integrated health management system Modeling in environmental health

ISSN: 2423-3765


Subject: Environmental Sciences

Publisher: Kerman University of Medical Sciences

Year: 2014

Country: Iran

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