

Revista Belas Infiéis

Belas Infiéis journal was established in 2011 by professors and students of the newly created Postgraduate program in Translation Studies (Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução - POSTRAD), from the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation (Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras e Tradução - LET) of the University of Brasilia (Universidade de Brasília - UnB), whom were eager to increase opportunities for diffusion of scientific thinking in this field of knowledge. This semiannual electronic academic journal publishes articles, translated articles, literary translations, interviews, commented translations, book reviews on Translation Studies, translation reviews, and “archives”. These works are to be produced by students and researchers of Postgraduate and Bachelor’s degrees in Translation, from national and foreign institutions of recognized academic merit, translators and translation scholars, in order to offer an additional platform for the circulation and discussion of academic production on Translation Studies. The journal is intended for scholars and researchers in this field of study as an invitation to deepen their knowledge and to share their experiences. Belas Infiéis guarantees the quality of its texts through rounds of rigorous blind peer reviews. The manuscripts submitted to Belas Infiéis system are evaluated by the editorial team regarding adherence to the journal’s guidelines. Blind reviews are conducted by at least two expert scholars in the field. The reviewers are listed in the journal’s Editorial Team. Ad hoc reviewers are invited if necessary.


Keywords: Translation Studies. Translation Research.

ISSN: 2316-6614


Subject: Languages and Literatures

Publisher: Universidade de Brasília

Year: 2012

Country: Brazil

Views: 893 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor - Not Available

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