

Orissa Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery

Orissa Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. ________________________________________ (An Internationally & Nationally indexed Journal) ISSN 0974-5262 Indexed by Index Copernicus International plc, Poland ( Pan No.:AABAA3929N dt.08/07/1977.The Official Publication of the Association of Otolaryngologists of India, Orissa State Branch All rights owned by the Association of Otolaryngologists of India, Orissa State Branch (O.S.B.). The Orissa Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery ISSN-0974-5262 with DOI 10.21176/ojolhns.0974-5262(Crossref) ,is a scientific publication of Association of Otolaryngologists of India,Odisha state branch ,which was started with its first publication from year 2007 under patronage and initiation of Editor in chief Prof ABHOYA KUMAR KAR and editorship of PROF R N SAMAL with an aim of publishing the scientific research articles ,case reports and review of literatures from various authors from the state ,national and global arena. This journal now is indexed in Index Copernicus international Poland and is under observation for indexation in Medline in which journal has been listed with the ID number. This is now a peer-reviewed, completely open access, on profit doing the printed journal. The journal is also having national and international editorial advisory board and review panel. COPYRIGHT LICENCE: ORISSA JOURNAL OF OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND HEAD AND NECK SURGERY by ASSOCIATION OF OTOLARYNGOLOGISTS OF INDIA,ORISSA STATE BRANCH is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Based on a work at Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at


Keywords: ojolhns

ISSN: 0974-5262


Subject: Medicine (General)

Publisher: DR K C MALLIK in favor of AOI,ODISHA

Year: 2007

Country: India

Views: 1190 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor Index -- 10

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