

POJ Dental and Oral Care

POJ Dental and Oral Care is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal devoted to the dissemination of latest knowledge and information on all sciences relevant to dental and oral care. With an emphasis on publishing original and high-quality research papers, the Journal aims to advance the practice of dentistry at clinician, research and industry levels and enhance the exchange of scientific writings among peers. This journal does not limit itself to dentistry but also recognizes potential research establishing correlations between dental and general health, thus providing the applied aspects of medical sciences over dentistry. This journal accepts research article, review article, Letter to editor, Short communication, case reports, clinical image articles, etc. that covers the scope of journal Dental and Oral Care.


Keywords: POJ Dental and Oral Care, Dental journals, Oral care journals, POJDOC journal, Proskolar Dental Journal, Dental Journals, Oral Health journals, dentistry journals, high impact factor journals, pubmed indexed journals, pubmed indexed dental journals, dentistry research journals, journal of dentistry, dental open access journals, open access dentistry journals, dentistry impact factor list, dentistry research papers, Basic Dentistry, Dental and Oral Health journals, Dental and Oral Abnormalities journal, Oral Health journals and, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery journals, dental surgery journals, Hypnodontics journals, Oral Pathology journals, Oral Medicine journals, Laser Dentistry journals, Pediatric Dentistry journals, Periodontology journals

ISSN: 2578-8817


Subject: Medicine (General)

Publisher: Proskolar Publishers

Year: 2017

Country: United States

Views: 1238 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor - Not Available

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