STIKES Hang Tuah Tanjungpinang Nursing Journal serves to facilitate scientific and nursing nursing writers to produce their best works through scientific writing to increase knowledge and insight into nursing. Starting from the above view, Stikes Hang Tuah Tanjungpinang felt the need to provide a forum for lecturers / researchers in the field of nursing both from Stikes Hang Tuah Tanjungpinang and from outside to help disseminate the results of their research. It is expected that the Nursing Journal published by Stikes Hang Tuah will be able to add to the repertoire of knowledge in the field of nursing and increase motivation for other lecturers to conduct research. Dear readers, I hope this journal can add insight to the readers. We apologize if there are errors and shortcomings in journal writing. Therefore we do not forget to ask for advice and criticism for the smooth publication of the next edition of the nursing journal.
Keywords: keperawatan; jurnal; stikes hang tuah tanjungpinang;;; jurnal keperawatan;
ISSN: 2086-9703
Subject: Medicine (General)
Publisher: LP3M STIKES Hang Tuah Tanjungpinang
Year: 2011
Country: Indonesia
Views: 661
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