

Equity: Journal of Economic Education

Ekuitas: Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi offers original articles on economics education. The journal is aimed at publishing and disseminating the results of researches and studies on economics education conducted by researchers, teachers, and practitioners of economic education. Ekuitas: Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi provides informative variety of papers geared toward theory and practice in the following area: 1. Issues and ideas, as well as contemporary research findings in the field of economic education 2. Innovation in the field of pedagogy, curriculum, hardware, teaching materials, and methods & models in economic learning evaluation of teaching methods, learning attitudes and interests, materials, or processes. 3. Reports on events that influence economic education in all levels of education age (from early childhood to adulthood) and three main lines of education, namely formal, nonformal, and informal.


Keywords: Economics, Education, Social Science

ISSN: 2354-6107


Subject: Social Sciences

Publisher: Department of Economic Education, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Year: 2013

Country: Indonesia

Views: 1255 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor Index -- 10

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