The scientific journal "Historical and Political Studies" was founded in 1999. The Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University is its publisher. Its periodicity is twice a year. The actual problems of Ukrainian history, world history, history of historical science, source study, special historical disciplines, theory and methodology of historical science, archaeology, ethnology, as well as various aspects of the theory and history of political science, political institutions and process, political culture, international relations, historical and political education are publishes in the journal. The editorial boards to consideration scientific articles, analytical reviews, publications of historical sources. The texts should be written in Ukrainian or English. Articles subjected for independent review. The publication is aimed at scientists, teachers, students, all who are interested in history and political science.
Keywords: history, political science, research
ISSN: 2079-1828
Subject: History
Publisher: Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University
Year: 2013
Country: Ukraine
Views: 505
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