

SUDAMERICA. Social sciences journal

SUDAMERICA. Social sciences journal, is a biannual journal of the Center for Social and Political Studies of the National University of Mar del Plata, Faculty of Humanities. Oriented to the academic community of social sciences at national and regional level. Its main purpose is the publication of scientific-academic articles of the most varied themes in the field of social sciences. The articles with publication request must be unpublished and original in their respective fields of knowledge, of national or foreign authors. The language of the journal is Spanish, although the possibility of receiving papers in Portuguese, French and English is considered. The articles may be the result of scientific research, but thematic balances and academic reflections on the field of social sciences will also be received. The definition of the pertinence or not of the articles will be the responsibility of the Editorial Committee in agreement with the Advisory Committee. The quality of the articles is ensured through an internal and external evaluation process, which is carried out by academic pairs from the national and international levels. SUDAMÉRICA publishes two issues a year, one in July and another one in December. The journal is divided into four (4) sections that will contain a variable number of contributions, without exceeding 15 texts in total per number. Two annual calls are made for the reception of articles, one between the months of February and March, and another one between the months of July and September. The sections of the Journal are: 1-Dossier 2-Free articles 3-Research advances 4-Book reviews Identification numbers: ISSN 2250-7779 (Printed version) ISSN 2314-1174 (Online version)


Keywords: social sciences, history, political science, sociology, anthropology

ISSN: 2250-7779


Subject: Sociology

Publisher: Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Facultad de Humanidades

Year: 2012

Country: Argentina

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