

Economic Herald. Series: Finance, Accounting, Taxation

Scientific Journal Economic Bulletin. Series: Finance, Accounting, Taxation is a scientific economic peer-reviewed publication that publishes materials of scientists of different levels in the form of scientific articles in order to disseminate them both among domestic researchers and abroad. The scientific journal adheres to a policy of open access to published content supporting the principles of the free dissemination of scientific information and the global exchange of knowledge for the sake of universal social progress. The purpose of the scientific journal is the publication of scientific articles by Ukrainian and foreign scholars aimed at developing the theory and practice of finance, accounting, taxation and other economic specialties; scientific substantiation and promotion of financial and taxation policy.


Keywords: Economics, Accounting, Taxation, Finance, Banking, Insurance, Management, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Trade, Stock Exchange, Statistics, Social Security, Hotel and Restaurant, Public Management and Administration, International Economic Relations

ISSN: 2617-5932


Subject: Business and Management

Publisher: University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

Year: 2017

Country: Ukraine

Views: 1673 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor Index -- 21

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