

TIU Transactions on Intelligent Computing

An international journal dedicated to advance novel frontiers in the field of intelligent computing, the TTIC publishes peer-reviewed/refereed articles in the field of smart computing technology and artificial intelligence. The journal welcomes original research articles, short communications and review articles that promises to foster and enhance the multidimensional aspects of Intelligent Computing. The journal is managed and supported by a panel of experts in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Robotics, Bio-informatics, Wireless Communications and other advanced computing technologies from around the world. Leveraging on the repeated success of promoting research ventures in futuristic and computational technologies during the International Conference on Computer, Electrical & Communication Engineering the last five years in association with the IEEE, the publishers of this journal, intend to provide the perfect platform for budding researchers, industry experts, academic experts to network and launch promising endeavours in intelligent computing through this journal.


Keywords: Soft Computing Data Science Nano Technology Quantum Computing Space Science Cloud Computing Network Security Computer Vision Pattern Recognition Computing Algorithm Web Technology Database & Data Management Intelligent Computing Mobile system design VR AR & MR Technology Artificial Intelligence Mobile Computing Medical Imaging CPUT Computing Fog Computing Natural Language Processing Machine Learning Image Processing Security System Cyber Security Big Data Analytics Internet Service Application Internet Communication Computing-Vision Control System Propulsion Systems Industrial Electronics Power Systems RF & Microwave Engineering Communication Systems Signal Processing Microelectronics VLSI & Embedded Systems VLSI Design Bioinformatics Robotics Mathematical Innovation Algorithm Atmospheric Physical Engineering Intelligent Cognitive Systems Complex Intelligent Systems Intelligent Robotics Mobile Network Biomedical Instrumentation Emerging Technology & Applications Green Data Center Solutions Other Allied Fields Mobile / Ubiquitous / Pervasive Multimedia Service Infrastructure & Other Allied Fields Social & Emotional Intelligence Modelling Computational Linguistics Including Natural Language Analysis (Synthesis & Processing) Knowledge Engineering Knowledge Representation Reasoning Intelligence Inference Intelligence Text & Data Mining Networks & Intelligence Evolutionary Computation Conceptual Learning Human Brain Intelligence Modelling Cognitive Systems Nature Inspired Computation Intelligence Simulation Practical Applications of Intelligence Computing in Domains of Games, Medical Diagnosis & Robotics

ISSN: 2582-371X


Subject: Computer Science

Publisher: Techno India University, West Bengal

Year: 2017

Country: India

Views: 3333 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor Index -- 1

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