Revista Praxis Pedagógica is a scientific journal edited by the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program, Academic Master's in Education, Department of Educational Science, from the Humanities Nucleus, at the Federal University of Rondônia. Praxis circulated between 2000 and 2002. In 2012 it was published again and promoted the dissemination of knowledge in the area of educational sciences. After several debates on the part of the PPGE Board, it was decided to resume its role of disseminating knowledge in 2018.1.
Praxis Pedagógica favors the multidisciplinarity of education and its interfaces with the arts, philosophy, letters, social, human and technological sciences, addressing issues of a regional, national, international, transnational and border nature and publishes results of theoretical studies, research and reflections about concrete practices or about historical, emerging and current debates.
The studies are received in the form of unpublished scientific articles or book reviews by the Editorial Board, when they pass through the screening of relevance and evaluation of compliance with the criteria of the Journal and are published after analysis and opinion of the Scientific Committee, which is responsible for the final decision.
From NBR 6022 / ABNT, Praxis recognizes two types of scientific articles that are defined as the "part of a publication with declared authorship, which presents and discusses strict ideas, methods, techniques, processes and results" in the area of education and in the various areas of knowledge that establish an interface with Education.The two types of articles are: (i) Original article that presents its own themes or approaches, reports research results and (ii) Review article that summarizes, analyzes and discusses information already published and is the result of bibliographic research.
Reviews must be for works that are up to three years old.
In its specificity, Revista Praxis Pedagógica seeks to publish research that understands teaching thinking and practice within the "classroom" in basic and higher education, as well as analyzes of public education policies, especially in the initial and permanent training of teachers and managers, seeking to confront the discourse of official documents, the curriculum, technologies applied to education and teaching practice from a critical and / or descriptive perspective of education.
Mission: To operate as a vehicle for the diffusion and dissemination of educational scientific research of a theoretical-conceptual and / or practical-methodological nature, relevant to teacher training, educational policy and management and technological and pedagogical innovations in education.
Vision: To be identified as a vehicle of scientific communication open to professionals, students and researchers in the area of education and that can stimulate the development or prospection of possible innovative educational policies and practices in the North Region.
Editorial Scope: Praxis receives works in continuous flow and is published every four months. The works should contribute to the philosophical-scientific-technological-epistemological debate, resulting from empirical research and / or reflections, following ethical commitments in the construction of knowledge, in the perspective of sustainable development and in respect for differences.
Keywords: praxis pedagógica
ISSN: 2237-5406
Subject: Education
Publisher: Aparecida Luzia Alzira Zuin
Year: 2012
Country: Brazil
Views: 1090
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