

JANAPATI: National Journal of Informatics Education

Jurnal Nasional Pendidikan Teknik Informatika: JANAPATI is an open-access scientific, peer-reviewed journal published by the Informatics Engineering Education Study Program, Faculty of Engineering and Vocational, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. JANAPATI is a fully refereed academic research journal that aims to spread original, theoretical and practical advances in multidisciplinary research findings related to Informatics Education. JANAPATI creates a bridge between research and development for researchers and practitioners nationally and globally. JANAPATI was first published in 2012 and has been published consistently three times a year in March, July and December. JANAPATI is accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia, which is ranked Third (Rank 3, Sinta 3) based on Decree No. 26/E/KPT/2019. JANAPATI publishes articles that emphasizes research, development and application within the fields of Informatics, Engineering, Education, Technology and Science. All manuscripts will be previewed by the editor and if appropriate, sent for blind peer review.


Keywords: informatics, education

ISSN: 2089-8673


Subject: Computer Science

Publisher: Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Year: 2012

Country: Indonesia

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