

Knowledge Scientific Journal Multidisciplinary Electric

Knowledge Scientific Journal, covers various specialties, published quarterly by the University west of Iarivo, it aims to be, as a flagship review and a reference for several areas of research (Letters and Human Sciences, Social Sciences, Economic Sciences, management and business, Education Sciences, Health Sciences and Technology …), it is led by a group of experts and researchers from various universities around the world. The journal is a receptacle for all original and innovative contributions. Strengthened by its editorial freedom, The Knowledge Journal opens up new opportunities to meet the challenges of more open access to the results of research in multiple sciences. This means the possibility, for any researcher, of publishing their results, the independence of evaluations, the competition of research trends, the accessibility of publications to the greatest number of readers concerned (teachers, researchers and post-graduate students ). These are the reasons why this journal will undoubtedly be placed in the world of quality academic publications. It will also be a tool for valuing new experiences, for recognizing by peers the work of researchers, for analyzing and critically examining scientific production. Finally, as a multidisciplinary journal, The Knowledge Journal collects its articles every month for varia issues and through calls for contributions for thematic issues. The proposed articles are selected according to impartial criteria of publication, approved by its scientific and editorial committees.


Keywords: Knowledge Scientific Journal Multidisciplinary Revue Scientifique Multidisciplinaire Électronique مجلة المعرفة متعددة التخصصات الإلكترونيةe

ISSN: 2708-3527


Subject: Multidisciplinary

Publisher: University West of Iarivo

Year: 2020

Country: Madagascar

Views: 1212 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor - Not Available

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