

Journal of AgriSearch

The Journal of AgriSearch (JAS) is an official publication of Society for Upliftment of Rural Economy (SURE) Varanasi. Journal of AgriSearch (JAS) is an open-access journal, published quarterly in print (ISSN: 2348–8808) & Online (ISSN: 2348– 8867). The Journal has four issues in a year: March, June, September and December, and contains Research Papers, Short Communications/Notes and Review Papers. All the papers are reviewed by a panel of reviewers for their scientific merit. The manuscript decisions are solely based on the results of peer reviews, and in order to eliminate any bias. Society accepts articles containing peer-reviewed/referred original research article related to agricultural and allied sciences tending to improve the rural economy for publication in the journal.


Keywords: Agriculture, horticulture, soil science, Water management in agriculture, plant protections, plant Breeding

ISSN: 2348 8808

EISSN:2348 8867

Subject: Agriculture (General)

Publisher: Society for Upliftent of Rural Economy, Varanasi, India

Year: 2014

Country: India

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