THE RELAYN MAGAZINE, MICRO AND SMALL COMPANY IN LATIN AMERICA, is a quarterly journal aimed at researchers from various areas interested in the construction of a theory of management of micro and small business (mype) relevant to Latin American reality. Our goal is to assist in the solid construction of the management theory of mypes in the region, so we receive original articles addressing the problems of these companies whether they are proposals related to the internal environment of the mype - such as financial, social, psychological, operational aspects - or related to external issues such as the economic field , political and sociological in which the mype is embedded. Items are received preferably in Spanish and English.
Keywords: Administration, Micro and small businesses
ISSN: 0000000
Subject: Social Sciences
Publisher: IQuatro Editores
Year: 2017
Country: Mexico
Views: 667
Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor Index -- 6
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