

Mutawasith: Journal of Islamic Law

Mutawasith: Jurnal Hukum Islam is an academic journal of Islamic law published for the first time by Program Studi Hukum Ekonomi Syariah (Muamalah) of the Islamic Institute of Latifah Mubarokiyah Tasikmalaya in 2018. Mutawasith: Jurnal Hukum Islam is published regularly twice a year in June and December. The focus of the study from Mutawasith: Jurnal Hukum Islam emphasizes research results in the form of concept, theory, history, Islamic Jurisprudence (qawaid / ushul fiqh), Islamic law philosophy, Islamic law research methodology, Islamic family law, Islamic state law, sharia financial institutions, islamic economic law philosophy, islamic bank law, Sharia Macro and Micro Economics, Modern Developments in Islamic Economic Law, islamic economic law in the world, Legal Aspects in Islamic Finance, and the issue of cotemporary islamic economic law, islamic criminal and political law, hadith criminal, islamic constitutional law, sakat and waqf Law (ziswaf), and the issue of cotemporary islamic law)


Keywords: Islami law

ISSN: 2722-2764


Subject: Social Sciences

Publisher: Prodi Hukum Ekonomi Syariah (Muamalah)

Year: 2018

Country: Indonesia

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