Law Essentials Journal is an international, peer-reviewed, quad-annual, open access online research journal covering various fields of law. The journal focuses on providing knowledge and information on recent issues and developments in the field of law. We at Law Essentials Journal care a lot about nature and follow paperless and eco-friendly means of disseminating the quintessential legal knowledge to the audience.
The Journal is blessed to have Prof. (Dr.) G.S. Bajpai (Professor and Registrar, National Law University, Delhi) and Dr. William Nunes (Associate Professor, Gujarat National Law University) as Advisors to the Editorial Board.
We believe in the originality of ideas, views and opinions of the authors and stand totally against plagiarism for according to us, knowledge can never spread its wings in a sky of lies. We welcome you to join this chain of eternal knowledge and wisdom and help create a much better and a legally awakened society. The journal is indexed at International Institute of Organised Research (I2OR) Database.
Keywords: LEJ
ISSN: 2582-6735
Subject: Law
Publisher: Mohammed Farhan C
Year: 2020
Country: India
Views: 1253
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