International Journal of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences (IJMNHS) ® Journal, ISSN: 2709-9911 (Online) origin in Europe (Vienna, Austria) that serves globally by publishing in online & printed versions and this platform sharing advanced scientific research to the global readers through open access. JIMNHS publishes original and quality research papers, scientific articles, case studies, comparative studies, innovative research etc. from Multidisciplinary broad areas like Medicine, Nursing, Public Health Sciences. The journal welcomes high-impact articles from international researchers in the following areas: AREAS COVERED: All branches of Medicine, Biology, Dentistry, Medical Education, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Epidemiology, biostatistics, nutrition, family health, infectious diseases, health services research, gerontology, child health, adolescent health, behavioral medicine, rural health, chronic diseases, health promotion, evaluation and intervention, public health policy and management, health economics, occupational health and environmental health, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pediatrics, Public Health, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation, Occupational Therapy, Paramedical Sciences, Nursing, Health and Hospital Management, Genetics, Biodiversity & Conservation, Pathology, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Sciences, Molecular Biology, Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Forensic Science, Dietetics & Nutrition, Yoga, Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Gynecology, Neurology, Surgery, Orthopaedics, Ophthalmology, ENT, Anesthesiology, etc.
Keywords: Medicine, Nursing, Health Sciences, Research Paper Publication, Science paper publication, article publication,
ISSN: 2709-9911
Subject: Medicine (General)
Publisher: TWCMSI , ThoughtWares Consulting & Multi Services International (TWCMSI)
Year: 2020
Country: Austria
Views: 972
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