

Globus: technical sciences

Globus: Technical Sciences (License CC BY 4.0) is a monthly electronic publication. It publishes articles with scientific novelty, representing the results of completed research, problematic or scientific and practical in nature. The vocation of our scientific journal to provide a wide exchange of scientific achievements, concepts and views on topical issues in the development of science. The content of the articles corresponds to the following branches of science (according to the Nomenclature of Specialties of Scientific Workers): “Technical Sciences” 05.00.00 Main languages of the journal: Russian, English, Polish, Ukrainian, German The journal has been published since 2015, the frequency of 6 issues per year, is distributed in print and electronic versions. ISSN – 2713-3079 Publisher – Serenity-Group Globus: Engineering Science is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Articles from the journal are exported to open scientific information repositories: Elibrary,Google Scholar, World Cat, Ulrich’s Web, CiteFactor, CrossRef, Index Copernicus, Cyberleninka, ResearchBib, SJIF factor


Keywords: technical, engeneering, physics

ISSN: 2713-3079


Subject: Physics (General)

Publisher: Serenity-Group

Year: 2015

Country: Russia

Views: 517 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor - Not Available

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