

Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers (Social and Behavioral Sciences Series) (Category «B»)

The new socio-economic and political relationships that are emerging in Ukraine have a significant impact on all spheres of life, including education. Education, above all, has a multifaceted effect on the processes of state life. One of the priorities is to ensure the quality of education. Special attention is also paid to the issues of socio-psychological peculiarities of the development of postgraduate education in the conditions of socio-economic transformations. The collection deals with such problems. The results of the study of aspects of formation and development in different spheres of life, in particular in the educational process are presented


Keywords: scientists, pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical workers, heads of institutions of higher education, methodologists, teachers and students of institutions of postgraduate education

ISSN: 2522-9931; 2522-9958


Subject: Social Sciences

Publisher: SIHE «University of Educational Management»

Year: 2005

Country: Ukraine

Views: 889 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor - Not Available

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