Jurnal Cafetaria is a journal that publishes Scientific Writings and research results in the field of Accounting from research results that include statistical analysis, case studies and field research from various perspectives. Accounting Study Topics related to various aspects of accounting and included in the theme of the article but not limited to the topics of Financial Accounting, Public Sector Accounting, Management Accounting, Accounting and Sharia Financial Management, Auditing, Corporate Governance, Ethics and Professionalism, Accounting Education, Taxation, Capital Market, Banking, Information Systems, Sustainability Reporting, Green Accounting.
URL: http://ejurnal.universitaskarimun.ac.id/index.php/akuntansi
Keywords: Jurnal Cafetaria
ISSN: 27710553
Subject: Business and Management
Publisher: Universitas Karimun
Year: 2020
Country: Indonesia
Views: 715
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