The Revista Digital: Actividad Física y Deport is a scientific journal specialized in training, physical activity, sport management, movement biomechanics and exercise physiology. The magazine manages the double-blind evaluation system and is open access. In order to facilitate access and scientific appropriation of knowledge, the journal publishes mainly in Spanish and depending on the article´s subject and scope, some in English. The article´s types published by the journal are scientific, review, reflection, case report and technical note. The journal publishes twice per year.
The journal is indexed in the Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico-REDIB. The gratuity for the author and the reader is due to the financial support of the Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.A and the selfless collaboration of the external reviewers.
Keywords: physical activity, sport
ISSN: 2462-8948
Subject: Social Sciences
Publisher: Álvaro José Gracia Díaz
Year: 2015
Country: Colombia
Views: 504
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