

Global Dynamic Journal

Jurnal Dinamika Global is a scholarly International Relations journal which is published two volumes a year in June and December by Department of International Relations of Faculty of Social and Political Scince of Jenderal Achmad Yani University (UNJANI), Cimahi. The journal covers broud subject areas ranging from security studies, diplomacy, global political economy, ecological issues, foreign policy, regionalism, peace studies and conflict, transnational issues, etc. Dinamika Global means that articles which are submitted must discuss global issues and have global perspectives. The Editor welcomes articles submission from academics, researchers, also practitioners from local and abroad to enhance our understanding regarding global dynamic.


Keywords: dinamika global, international relations

ISSN: 2548-9216


Subject: Social Sciences

Publisher: Department of International Relations Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani

Year: 2016

Country: Indonesia

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