The Review of Applied Management and Social Sciences (RAMSS) is a double-blind peer-reviewed academic research Journal published Quarterly with effect from 1st July 2020 by SPCRD Global Publishing, Pakistan. The journal is independently managed by Editorial Board with the supervision of Advisory Board comprising of distinguished faculty members at higher education institutions.
The journal aims to cover the topics and issues in various sub-areas of Management and all disciplines of Social Sciences in general. The major and significant purpose of this journal is to highlight the theoretical and applied issues faced by Academia, Researchers, Policy Makers, Managers and Society in all the disciplines of Social Sciences. The journal especially welcomes the submissions which have relevant and insightful comments and also highlight the issues of the society and suggest its solutions.
Keywords: Applied Management, Social Sciences
ISSN: 2708-3640
Subject: Social Sciences
Publisher: South Punjab Center for Research and Development (SPCRD Global Publishing), Pakistan
Year: 2019
Country: Pakistan
Views: 1723
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