Our journal "MEYAD ACADEMY" is a peer-reviewed scientific electronic journal published twice a year by our Mobbing Education Assistance and Research Association (MEYAD). Thanks to "MEYAD ACADEMY", we aim to produce scientifically based rational solutions and labor policies that will bring the workplace environments to safe, peaceful and contemporary standards in working life. In addition to having an academic quality, the studies are also expected to make new and original contributions to the discussions in business life. It is aimed to contribute to the formation of an accumulation that will benefit the people / institutions working in the field in Turkey. In this context, we invite esteemed researchers to contribute to our peer-reviewed journal with their original studies. You can submit all kinds of articles about working life that you want to be published in MEYAD ACADEMY at https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/meyadakademi. Journal Subject Areas Family Studies Humanities Behavioral sciences Education Education Research Public Relations Nursing Law Women's Studies Public Administration Psychology Health Policies and Services Social Work Contact Business Suggested Topics Mobbing Violence Conflict Abuse Labor Law Working economy Sociology of Work Communication in Working Life Occupational Health and Safety Politics and Work Life Relations Employer and Employer Relations Employment and Labor Market Relationship between Politics and Income Distribution Social Security Theories and Models Work Life Wage Policies and Productivity Public Administration and Public Personnel Management
URL: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/meyadakademi
Keywords: Mobbing
Subject: Business and Management
Publisher: MEYAD Mobbing Education Aid Research Association
Year: 2020
Country: Turkey
Views: 823
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