Since its launch in 2007, the Hungarian Journal of African Studies [Afrika Tanulmányok] has been published minimum three times annually as an interdisciplinary scientific outlet for African Studies. Every year since 2018, fully English-language issues with quality scientific papers and field reports have been added to the English-abstracted Hungarian-language volumes. The journal focuses on intriguing topics about the past and present of African societies, as well as looks at the place and possible roles of African actors in the changing international system of the 21st century. From 2021 on, the renewed HJAS intends to become one of the acclaimed journals edited from East-Central Europe, published at least twice in Hungarian, and once in English.
Keywords: African Studies, Central and Eastern Europe, Hungary, African societies, politics, international relations
ISSN: 1788-6422
Subject: Social Sciences
Publisher: Publikon Publishers / IDResearch Ltd.
Year: 2007 (but renewed an
Country: Hungary
Views: 3772
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