Experimental biology (EB) is a scholarly online, open access, peer-reviewed journal focusing topical issues of fundamental and applied research in the fields of biology. It is an international scientific journal that aims is to provide a comprehensive presentation and results of research works in the field of biology and related areas.
The journal materials cover the following thematic areas:
• botany;
• biotechnology;
• biochemistry;
• plant physiology;
• genetics and molecular biology;
• cell biology;
• biophysics;
• human and animal physiology;
• zoology and ichthyology;
• cytology and histology;
• microbiology and virology
Indexing: Kazakhstani Citation Base (KazBC), Russian Science Citation Index (РИНЦ)
Frequency: quarterly. Languages: Kazakh, Russian, English
Publisher: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Published from 1992.
URL: http://bb.kaznu.kz/
Keywords: botany; biotechnology; biochemistry; plant physiology; genetics and molecular biology; cell biology; biophysics; human and animal physiology; zoology; ichthyology; cytology; histology; microbiology; virology
ISSN: 1563-0218
Subject: Biology
Year: 2009
Country: Kazakhstan
Views: 2526
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