Recent Contributions to Physics (RCPh) is a scholarly online, open access, peer-reviewed journal focusing topical issues of fundamental and applied research in the fields of physics. In the Journal “Recent Contributions to Physics” covers original scientific and review articles on topical issues of fundamental and applied research in the fields of physics. Articles are published in the following thematic sections:
• theoretical physics;
• physics of the nucleus and elementary particles;
• astrophysics;
• plasma physics;
• physics of condensed matter and problems of materials science;
• nanoscience;
• thermal physics and theoretical heat engineering;
• nonlinear physics;
• radiophysics;
• problems of teaching physics in higher education.
Indexing: Web of Science (RSCI), DRJI, ResearchBib, Kazakhstani Citation Base (KazBC), Russian Science Citation Index (РИНЦ)
Frequency: quarterly. Languages: Kazakh, Russian, English
Publisher: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Published from 1992.
Keywords: theoretical physics; physics of the nucleus and elementary particles; astrophysics; plasma physics; physics of condensed matter and problems of materials science; nanoscience; thermal physics and theoretical heat engineering; nonlinear physics; radiophysics; problems of teaching physics in higher education
ISSN: 1563-0315
Subject: Physics (General)
Year: 2008
Country: Kazakhstan
Views: 1527
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