

Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science

Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science (JMMCS) is a scholarly online, open access, peer-reviewed journal focusing topical issues of fundamental and applied research in the fields of mathematics, mechanics and computer science. The goals of the journal are to acquaint with scientific achievements in the field of mathematics, mechanics and information technology of researchers, as well as to publish the achievements of authors collaborating with the scientific community. JMMCS publishes scientific articles on the most relevant sections of mathematics, mechanics and informatics, as well as brief reports on conferences held at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Al- Farabi KazNU , and information on mathematical life in the country and abroad. The journal publishes original articles on specific scientific issues in all major thematic areas of theoretical and applied research, such as: • Algebra, logic, geometry. • Mathematical analysis. • Function theory, functional analysis. • Differential equations. • Mathematical statistics. • Optimal control, number theory. • Mathematical logic. Algorithm theory. • Computational mathematics. • Theoretical mechanics. • Applied mechanics and motion control. • Hydrodynamics. Aeromechanics. • Gas and wave dynamics. • Theory of elasticity. Plasticity theory. • Robotics. • Computer science and information systems. • Cybernetics. Programming. • Computing equipment. • Artificial intelligence. Indexing: Web of Science (RSCI), DRJI, ResearchBib, Kazakhstani Citation Base (KazBC), Russian Science Citation Index (РИНЦ) Frequency: quarterly. Languages: Kazakh, Russian, English Publisher: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Published from 1992.


Keywords: Mathematics; Mechanics; Computer Science

ISSN: 1563-0277


Subject: Mathematics


Year: 2009

Country: Kazakhstan

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