International Relations and International Law Journal (IRILJ) is a scholarly online, open access, peer-reviewed journal focusing on topical issues of theory and practice in the fields of international relations, international law, regional studies, world economy, juridical and historical sciences.
The journal covers a wide range of research results on international relations and international law, publishes articles on the subject areas of the journal, expert comments from participants in the global political process, original educational and methodological developments, and recent research reviews on these issues.
The subject areas of the journal are as follows:
• Current problems of international relations and foreign policy;
• Current issues of global and regional security;
• International and national law issues;
• Global political process;
• Current problems of world economy and international regionalism;
• Current problems of modern linguistics and translation.
Indexing: Kazakhstani Citation Base (KazBC), Russian Science Citation Index (РИНЦ), Directory of Open Journals (DOAJ).
Frequency: quarterly. Languages: Kazakh, Russian, English
Publisher: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Published from 1992.
Keywords: International relations; international law; global political process; foreign policy;
ISSN: 1563-0285
Subject: Social Sciences
Year: 2009
Country: Kazakhstan
Views: 1539
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