Bulletin of KazNU. Herald of journalism (JERBA) is a scholarly online, open access, peer-reviewed journal focusing on topical issues in the field of mass communications and highlighting the most relevant and promising areas and issues of media development in Kazakhstan and abroad.
The journal publishes articles on the following thematic areas:
• Problems of mass communication, press history, print and electronic journalism;
• Current state, history and methodology of public relations;
• World and domestic experience in media design and editorial management;
• Theory and practice of international journalism, research on global and local segments of the world media space;
• Domestic and foreign journalism, problems of media law, media literacy, citizen journalism and social media.
Indexing: Kazakhstani Citation Base (KazBC), Russian Science Citation Index (РИНЦ).
Frequency: quarterly. Languages: Kazakh, Russian, English
Publisher: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Published from 1992.
URL: https://bulletin-journalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-journal
Keywords: media; mass communication; electronic journalism; problems of media law, media literacy, citizen journalism; social mediainternational journalism,
ISSN: 1563-0242
Subject: Social Sciences
Year: 2001
Country: Kazakhstan
Views: 1031
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