

Scientiarum Historia Magazine

For over a decade, the Graduate Program in the History of Sciences and Techniques and Epistemology (HCTE) at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) has been promoting the Scientiarum Historia Congress. This event has been a well-recognized and safe continent to house the new ideas of researchers who look beyond the disciplinary fields that mark their academic origins, and begin to explore perspectives, questions and interdisciplinary theoretical, methodological and experimental systems of knowledge. The crossing of logical-structural, technological and creative visions and processes of experimental sciences, philosophy, the arts, presses for new academic structures, efficient in promoting the necessary dialogue at the frontiers of knowledge, having long transcended the old field boundaries, and forcing the scientific community to conceptual and procedural migrations. In this scope, as part of HCTE's actions, in depth and broad spectrum, the best works were selected at our annual meetings and are gathered and improved in the form of publications in the Journal Scientiarum Historia, homonymous to the event.


Keywords: interdisciplinary, philosophy, epistemology, arts, technology

ISSN: 2675-6404


Subject: Philosophy

Publisher: Programa de Pós-Graduação em História das Ciências e das Técnicas e Epistemologia - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (HCTE-UFRJ)

Year: 2017

Country: Brazil

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