Bayburt University Journal of Science, which started its publication life in 2018, is a peer-reviewed and scientific journal. Original scientific research and application studies are included in the journal. Studies in the form of research articles, which are about experimental and theoretical advances made in Science and Engineering Sciences, and which include analytical and numerical solutions, are included in the Journal.
The journal accepts articles only through the Dergipark online system provided by TUBITAK-Ulakbim. Articles sent by e-mail are not accepted. Authors who submit their publications through the online system can follow the publication process through the same system. An article submitted in accordance with the rules is first reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief and then evaluated by independent referees directed by the relevant field editor.
Keywords: Civil Engineering, Water Science and Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Manufacturing, Computational Mechanics
Subject: Multidisciplinary
Publisher: Bayburt University
Year: 2018
Country: Turkey
Views: 886
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