

Neurology and Neuroscience

Neurology and Neuroscience (ISSN 2692-7918) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal, which aims to publish data related to fields of both neurosciences and neurology. The expert articles from researchers and clinical practitioners in the related fields provide in-depth knowledge of the basic and advanced clinical approaches on the on the nervous system and neurological disorders.


Keywords: 7T addiction ADHD Adolescence Ageing aggregation Alzheimer's Alzheimer's Disease Amygdala Amyloid Anxiety Apathy appetite Atherosclerosis attention Auditory Perception Auditory Processing autism autophagy axon guidance axon regeneration axonal transport behaviour bioelectronics bioinformatics Biomarkers brain Brain connectivity brain imaging brain injury C. elegans cancer children Circadian cochlear implants cognition cognitive cognitive control cognitive impairment cognitive neuroscience cognitive training complex networks compulsivity computational modelling Computational neuroscience connectivity connectome connectomics consciousness deafness decision making decision-making Dementia depression development diabetes differentiation dopamine Drosophila Drug Discovery DTI Education EEG electrophysiology Emotion Epidemiology Epigenetics evolution executive function Fear fMRI Food Intake frontotemporal dementia functional MRI gene therapy genetics genomics glaucoma graph theory hearing hippocampus homeostasis Huntington's Disease hypothalamus imaging Impulsivity individual differences Inflammation information processing intellectual disabilities intelligence interoception ion channels language Learning machine learning MEG Memory mental health metabolism microdialysis Microglia mitochondria modelling motivation MRI MRS multiple sclerosis myelin myelination network networks neural circuit Neural circuits Neural networks neurochemistry Neurodegeneration Neurodegenerative DIseases neurodevelopment neuroendocrine neurogenesis neurogenetics neuroimaging Neuroinflammation Neuromodulation neuron Neuropathology neurophysiology Neuropsychiatry neuropsychology neuroscience Neurotrauma Obesity Object Recognition olfaction oligodendrocytes oscillations pain Parkinson's disease perception PET PET imaging pharmacology plasticity Prefrontal cortex protein aggregation Protein misfolding psychiatry psycholinguistics psychology psychometrics psychopharmacology Psychosis regeneration Rehabilitation reinforcement learning remyelination Resilience reward Schizophrenia Serotonin Signal Processing sleep social cognition speech spinal cord injury Statistics stem cell stem cells stress Striatum stroke synapse synaptic plasticity Tau TBI Traumatic brain injury vision Wallerian degeneration working memory zebrafish



Subject: Medicine (General)

Publisher: Science Excel

Year: 2021

Country: United States

Views: 826 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor - Not Available

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