

Tourism & Management Studies

Tourism & Management Studies (ISSN: online 2182-8466) is an open-access academic journal dedicated to publishing original conceptual and empirical research papers and short communications within the broad fields of tourism and management. The journal welcomes contributions from all disciplinary perspectives when these are applied to tourism and/or management. Published papers can include those based on marketing, hospitality, sociology, psychology, geography, anthropology, culture, information technologies, accounting, organisational behaviour, human resource management, strategy, international business, entrepreneurship, innovation and any others that can enrich tourism and management theory and practices. This journal endeavours to promote and disseminate relevant, high-quality research, thereby encouraging interdisciplinary and comparative approaches in tourism and management and providing a forum for researchers, scholars, doctoral students, entrepreneurs and leaders of public and private institutions and organisations. All papers are subjected to a strict double-blind – or triple-blind – peer review process. Tourism & Management Studies is an international publication that covers all geographical areas, with a special focus on Iberian-American (i.e. Spanish and Portuguese-speaking) cultural spaces. Research papers should consist of between 6,000 and 8,000 words. The Editorial Board may, however, accept longer papers if they are of special interest to the journal.


Keywords: Tourism, Hospitality, Management, Marketing

ISSN: 2182-8466


Subject: Business and Management

Publisher: Universidade do Algarve

Year: 2005

Country: Portugal

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