

Journal of World of Nutrition

Jurnal Dunia Gizi (JDG) is a national scientific journal that contains research articles in the fields of Nutrition, Food and Health, which are related to aspects of Clinical Nutrition, Community Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Molecular Nutrition, Nutrition Biochemistry, Functional Food, Food and Nutrition Technology, and Nutrition Service and Management. JDG is issued every six months, namely June and December. The World Nutrition Journal is published by the Nutrition Science Study Program, Faculty of Public Health, Institut Kesehatan Helvetia. Jurnal Dunia Gizi (JDG) makes several changes that are notified in Journal History. Since January 2018, The Journal of Nutrition World is available online and open access, so that writers and researchers can more easily access the results of research that has been published in JDG. Therefore, the JDG also continues to invite writers to contribute articles, especially those which are the results of contemporary research in the fields of Nutrition, Food and Health.


Keywords: Jurnal Dunia Gizi



Subject: Medicine (General)

Publisher: Institut Kesehatan Helvetia

Year: 2018

Country: Indonesia

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