

Biomarkers and Drug Discovery

Journal of Biomarkers and Drug Discovery (JBDD) predominantly encourages submission of manuscripts related to Fluorescent biomarkers, Blood-based biomarkers, Pro-inflammatory biomarkers, Hematological biomarkers, Obesity biomarkers, Protein biomarkers, Nucleic acid based biomarkers, Small molecule biomarkers, Lipid biomarkers, MicroRNA biomarkers, Clinical aspects types of the treatment for early detection and diagnosis. Journal of Biomarkers and Drug Discovery is a Peer-Reviewed, Open Access Journal that aims to publish Scholarly Articles describing clinical examinations, investigative studies and practices related to etiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of Biomarkers and Drug Discovery All the articles submitted to JBDD subject to rigorous double-blind peer review process under the guidance of an international editorial board consisting of a distinguished team of Biomarkers and Drug Discovery researchers and reviewers.


Keywords: Autism Biomarkers; Behavioral Markers; Biochemical Markers; Biomarkers for Bipolar Disorder; Biomarkers in Clinical Trials; Biomarkers in Oncology; Cytogenic Biomarkers; Diagnosis of Tuberculosis; diagnostic biomarker; Diagnostic Therapeutics; Disease Diagnosis; DNA Biomarkers; Genetic Diagnosis; Genetic Screening; Genomic Biomarkers

ISSN: 2642-9799


Subject: Medicine (General)

Publisher: Auctores Publishing LLC

Year: 2018

Country: United States

Views: 358 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor - Not Available

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