PARF is a center for researchers and scientists who work as an inseparable unit to bring a vastly improved tomorrow for people. We focus on the prerequisites of researchers, students, and the entire world. We will be the leading provider in Open Access Publications with an assortment of renowned scholarly worldwide journals and devoted to serving the scientific and academic groups and in this way the entire society by publishing a prime quality Journals. We are focused on disseminating high-quality research to as wide a crowd of people as possible.
Articles published by PS are openly available to researchers, academicians, students, and scientists promptly after publication. All manuscripts published by us are peer-reviewed by an eminent editorial board and reviewers of respective journal. We look to dependably keep up our benchmarks and morals of publishing and give a quality support of every one of our authors, reviewers, and readers all through the publication process.
Ø About Poonam Shodh Rachna
Poonam Shodh Rachna (PSR) aims to explore advances in research pertaining to applied, theoretical and experimental Technological studies. The goal is to promote scientific information interchange between researchers, developers, engineers, students, and practitioners working in and around the world.
Poonam Shodh Rachna (PSR) is Scholarly open access journals, Peer-reviewed, and Refereed Journals, Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Indexing in all major database & Metadata, Citation Generator, Digital Object Identifier(DOI)
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Ø Poonam Shodh Rachna(PSR)
Ø ISSN: 2456 - 5563 | Monthly-Peer-reviewed, and Refereed Journals.
Ø Open Access Processing Charges or Publication fees with free DOI : ₹1500 INR for Indian author & 55$ for foreign International author.
Ø Refereed Journal, Peer Journal and Indexed Journal
Ø Publication Issue Frequency : Monthly (12 issue Per Year Annually)
Ø Journal Discipline and Subject : Multidisciplinary,Monthly,Multilanguage (Regional language supported) .
Ø Publisher and Managed By Poonam Academic Research Foundation.
Ø Publication Supported Languages: Allow All Multiple Languages (Regional language supported).
Ø Provide DOI.
Ø High impact factor and 50+ index database and Fast paper publication.
Ø Nominal Fee for Professional Research Services, Low cost research journal.
Ø Publication Guidelines : COPE Guidelines
Ø Quick, Fast, automatic Speedy Review and publication Process.
Ø Notification of Review Result and publication - Within 02-03 Days.
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Ø Indexing of paper in all major online journal databases.
Ø Low Publication Charge 1000 INR per single paper Publication with Maximum 5 Author for indian author & 55$ for foreign International author. This is applicable from August Issue onwards.
Ø Paper Submission Till :
Ø Review Results (Acceptance/Rejection) Notification : Within 02-03 Days
Ø Paper Publication Time : Paper Publish: Within 02-03 Days after submitting all the required documents.
Keywords: Poonam Shodh Rachna , Free Publication
ISSN: 2456-5563
Subject: Multidisciplinary
Publisher: Poonam Academic Research Foundation
Year: 2022
Country: India
Views: 631
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