Direito, Processo e Cidadania, founded in 2021, is an open access electronic scientific journal, promoted by the Graduate Program in Law (PPGD) of the Catholic University of Pernambuco - UNICAP (https://portal.unicap .br/). Its Editorial Board is composed of renowned professors linked to higher education institutions in Brazil and abroad.
The editorial line, of a generalist nature, preferably follows themes related to the area of concentration of Law, Process and Citizenship, which reflects a set of academic concerns aimed at understanding the procedural and substantive parameters that contribute to the consolidation of citizenship.
In this sense, it conceives the process as the result of a relational dynamic referring to the organization and mobilization of institutional practices aimed at enabling the implementation of normative standards of justice, citizenship and inclusion. This procedural view is not restricted to the dogmatic analysis of law, reaching the interpretative dimension of law and process, as a hermeneutic construction by state bodies and, also, by social bodies, as well as studies of an empirical nature.
URL: https://www1.unicap.br/ojs//index.php/dpc/index
Keywords: Law, Procedural Law, Human Rights, Labor Law, Legal empirical research, constitutional law, criminolgy
Subject: Law
Year: 2022
Country: Brazil
Views: 385
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