

Higher Economic - Social School in Ostroleka Scientific Journal

The scientific papers of the Higher Economic - Social School in Ostroleka is a free and open-access scientific journal. The scientific papers of the Higher Economic - Social School in Ostroleka is a journal in which works from the broadly understood economic sciences are published. Management, marketing and contemporary economic problems dominate. Works in WSES Scientific Studies are published in English. The paper includes scientific materials, including in particular articles presenting from various research perspectives all the problems of management, marketing and economics, research messages, reviews of books (Polish and foreign) and articles published in scientific and industry periodicals.


Keywords: Economics Management

ISSN: 2391 - 9167


Subject: Business and Management

Publisher: International University of Applied Sciences in Lomza

Year: 2008

Country: Poland

Views: 325 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor - Not Available

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