Scientific Research Journal of India(SRJI) is the official organ of Dr.L.Sharma Medical Care and Educational Development Society. Scientific Research Journal of India is a Multidisciplinary, Peer Reviewed, Open Access, Journal of science. The scope of journal is therefore necessarily broad to cover recent discoveries in structural and functional principles of scientific research. It encourage and provide a forum for the publication of research work in different fields of pure and applied sciences.
The Journal publishes selected original research articles , reviews ,short communication and book reviews in the fields of Botany, Zoology, Medical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Natural Sciences, Anthropology and any other branch of related sciences. The Journal is regularly published and issued quarterly.
Keywords: SRJI, Scientific Researh Journal of India, Scientific Researh Journal, Scientific Research
ISSN: 22771700
Publisher: Dr. Krishna N. Shar,a
Year: 2012
Country: India
Views: 6639
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