

Getting Your Journal Indexed

To be recognized as an authoritative, high-quality source of information, a journal must be widely available. The publishers, who are publishing research journal(s), essentially need to disseminate their contents to potential users/scholars/institutes/libraries. Indexing and abstracting services facilitate the broadest dissemination of information by pointing researchers to articles that are relevant to the field. Basically, the under lying intent of contents dissemination is to enhance the visibility and reach of their journal. Journal's sustainability is linked with its popularity/demand which is further directly proportional to circulation or reach of a journal to its potential users. Generally, contents information of R&D journals flows through Indexing and Abstracting periodicals.Once a journal is launched and has a track record of timely publication and solid content, it is appropriate to contact indexing and abstracting services for consideration.


Citefactor is one of the Indexing and Abstracting periodicals which serve contents and citations to world wide users. In the era of computer & communication technology, dissemination of information has attained new dimensions particularly with respect to delivering speed and depth of reach. The decision to include a journal is based on several factors, most importantly a great deal of high quality content, with much more in the pipeline, that is produced on schedule. 


Citefactor provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, abstracts, from academic publishers, online repositories, universities and libraries. Citefactor helps you find relevant work across the world of scholarly research.


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