The scholar of language and history concluded that all the new Gondi scripts have not any linguistic base or evidence…
अक्षर के बल से इतिहास को फिर से पढ़ने से ऐसे समझमे आता है कि अब तक हमारे द्वारा हमारे…
Aniline is a primary aryl amine in which an amino functional group is substituted for one of the benzene hydrogen.…
The Rank-Size Rule is one of the method of analyzing total settlement networks in a region. Hence it is a…
Dattani’s plays are about the marginalized sections of our society – the minorities, women, gays and the eunuchs. His characters…
Composition and diversity of zooplankton provide information on the characteristics and quality of the water body. Biomonitoring (biological surveillance) is…
The study wants to review the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic in Indian in 2020. A study has done to…
The Corona Virus disease, better distinguished as Covid-19, led to a global pandemic that has affected our lives in ways…
It is noted that the growth is very rapid for IoT as well as Machine Learning and it is highly…
गोंड गणसमूह यह अतिप्राचिन अनार्य व्यवस्था का भाग रहा है। पाषण अवस्था से आधुनिक युग में भी इस समाज में…