Facial Plastic Surgery |
0736-6825 |
0.813 |
Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America |
1064-7406 |
1.133 |
Facies |
0172-9179 |
1.367 |
Familial Cancer |
1389-9600 |
1.943 |
Families Systems & Health |
1091-7527 |
1.077 |
Family Business Review |
0894-4865 |
3.824 |
Family Medicine |
0742-3225 |
1.14 |
Family Practice |
0263-2136 |
1.675 |
0014-7370 |
3.116 |
1741-3729 |
1.727 |
Faraday Discussions |
1359-6640 |
3.427 |
Farmacia |
0014-8237 |
1.507 |
Faseb Journal |
0892-6638 |
5.595 |
Fatigue & Fracture Of Engineering Materials & Structures |
8756-758X |
2.533 |
FEBS Journal |
1742-464X |
4.53 |
Febs Letters |
0014-5793 |
2.999 |
FEBS Open Bio |
2211-5463 |
1.782 |
2151-8378 |
1.392 |
Fems Microbiology Ecology |
0168-6496 |
3.495 |
Fems Microbiology Letters |
0378-1097 |
1.735 |
Fems Microbiology Reviews |
0168-6445 |
11.392 |
Fems Yeast Research |
1567-1356 |
2.609 |
Ferroelectrics |
0015-0193 |
0.728 |
Ferroelectrics Letters Section |
0731-5171 |
0.531 |
Fertility And Sterility |
0015-0282 |
4.803 |
Fetal And Pediatric Pathology |
1551-3815 |
0.59 |
Fetal Diagnosis And Therapy |
1015-3837 |
1.813 |
Few-Body Systems |
0177-7963 |
1.134 |
Fiber And Integrated Optics |
0146-8030 |
0.895 |
Fibers And Polymers |
1229-9197 |
1.353 |
Fibre Chemistry |
0015-0541 |
0.332 |
Fibres & Textiles In Eastern Europe |
1230-3666 |
0.577 |
Field Crops Research |
0378-4290 |
3.127 |
Filomat |
0354-5180 |
0.635 |
Filtration & Separation |
0015-1882 |
0.14 |
Finance And Stochastics |
0949-2984 |
1.75 |
1755-053X |
0.968 |
0015-2218 |
0.5 |
Finite Elements In Analysis And Design |
0168-874X |
2.253 |
Finite Fields And Their Applications |
1071-5797 |
1.077 |
1099-1018 |
1.22 |
Fire And Materials |
0308-0501 |
1.22 |
Fire Ecology |
1933-9747 |
1.756 |
Fire Safety Journal |
0379-7112 |
1.888 |
Fire Technology |
0015-2684 |
1.483 |
1475-5890 |
0.759 |
Fish & Shellfish Immunology |
1050-4648 |
3.185 |
Fish And Fisheries |
1467-2960 |
6.99 |
Fish Pathology |
0388-788X |
0.644 |
Fish Physiology And Biochemistry |
0920-1742 |
1.735 |
Fisheries |
0363-2415 |
2.734 |
Fisheries Management And Ecology |
0969-997X |
1.624 |
Fisheries Oceanography |
1054-6006 |
1.794 |
Fisheries Research |
0165-7836 |
1.874 |
Fisheries Science |
0919-9268 |
0.794 |
Fishery Bulletin |
0090-0656 |
1.216 |
Fitoterapia |
0367-326X |
2.642 |
Fixed Point Theory |
1583-5022 |
0.548 |
Flavour And Fragrance Journal |
0882-5734 |
1.95 |
Fleischwirtschaft |
0015-363X |
0.139 |
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal |
1936-6582 |
2.346 |
Flora |
0367-2530 |
1.365 |
Florida Entomologist |
0015-4040 |
1.052 |
Flow Measurement And Instrumentation |
0955-5986 |
1.407 |
Flow Turbulence And Combustion |
1386-6184 |
2.207 |
Fluctuation And Noise Letters |
0219-4775 |
0.625 |
Fluid Dynamics |
0015-4628 |
0.608 |
Fluid Dynamics Research |
0169-5983 |
0.94 |
Fluid Phase Equilibria |
0378-3812 |
2.197 |
Fluoride |
0015-4725 |
1.438 |
Fly |
1933-6934 |
1.218 |
Folia Biologica |
0015-5500 |
1.044 |
Folia Biologica-Krakow |
0015-5497 |
0.523 |
Folia Geobotanica |
1211-9520 |
1.254 |
Folia Histochemica Et Cytobiologica |
0239-8508 |
1.586 |
Folia Horticulturae |
2083-5965 |
0.244 |
Folia Microbiologica |
0015-5632 |
1.311 |
Folia Morphologica |
0015-5659 |
0.497 |
Folia Neuropathologica |
1641-4640 |
1.345 |
Folia Parasitologica |
0015-5683 |
1.505 |
Folia Phoniatrica Et Logopaedica |
1021-7762 |
0.545 |
Folia Primatologica |
0015-5713 |
1.193 |
Folia Zoologica |
0139-7893 |
0.467 |
Food & Function |
2042-6496 |
3.289 |
Food & Nutrition Research |
1654-6628 |
2.086 |
Food Additives & Contaminants Part B-Surveillance |
1939-3210 |
2.407 |
Food Analytical Methods |
1936-9751 |
2.245 |
Food And Agricultural Immunology |
0954-0105 |
2.568 |
Food and Bioprocess Technology |
1935-5130 |
2.998 |
Food And Bioproducts Processing |
0960-3085 |
2.744 |
Food And Chemical Toxicology |
0278-6915 |
3.977 |
Food And Drug Law Journal |
1064-590X |
0.543 |
Food and Environmental Virology |
1867-0334 |
2.273 |
Food And Nutrition Bulletin |
0379-5721 |
1.881 |
Food Biophysics |
1557-1858 |
2.051 |
Food Bioscience |
2212-4292 |
2.371 |
Food Biotechnology |
0890-5436 |
0.595 |
Food Chemistry |
0308-8146 |
4.946 |
Food Control |
0956-7135 |
3.667 |
Food Engineering Reviews |
1866-7910 |
4.833 |
Food Hydrocolloids |
0268-005X |
5.089 |
Food Hygiene and Safety Science |
0015-6426 |
0.373 |
Food Microbiology |
0740-0020 |
4.09 |
Food Policy |
0306-9192 |
3.111 |
Food Quality And Preference |
0950-3293 |
3.652 |
Food Research International |
0963-9969 |
3.52 |
Food Reviews International |
8755-9129 |
3.1 |
Food Science And Biotechnology |
1226-7708 |
0.786 |
Food Science And Technology International |
1082-0132 |
1.081 |
Food Science And Technology Research |
1344-6606 |
0.379 |
Food Security |
1876-4517 |
2.97 |
Food Technology |
0015-6639 |
0.141 |
Food Technology And Biotechnology |
1330-9862 |
1.168 |
Foodborne Pathogens And Disease |
1535-3141 |
2.476 |
Foot & Ankle International |
1071-1007 |
2.653 |
Foot and Ankle Clinics |
1083-7515 |
0.871 |
1268-7731 |
1.458 |
0015-6914 |
2.989 |
0015-7120 |
3.524 |
1944-9720 |
0.802 |
Forensic Science International |
0379-0738 |
1.974 |
Forensic Science International-Genetics |
1872-4973 |
5.637 |
Forensic Science Medicine and Pathology |
1547-769X |
2.027 |
Forensic Toxicology |
1860-8965 |
3.924 |
Forest Ecology And Management |
0378-1127 |
3.169 |
Forest Pathology |
1437-4781 |
1.741 |
Forest Policy And Economics |
1389-9341 |
2.496 |
Forest Products Journal |
0015-7473 |
0.488 |
Forest Science |
0015-749X |
1.364 |
Forest Systems |
2171-5068 |
0.96 |
Forestry |
0015-752X |
2.638 |
Forests |
1999-4907 |
1.956 |
Forktail |
0950-1746 |
0.275 |
Formal Aspects Of Computing |
0934-5043 |
0.845 |
Formal Methods In System Design |
0925-9856 |
0.825 |
Forschende Komplementarmedizin |
1021-7096 |
1 |
Fortschritte Der Neurologie Psychiatrie |
0720-4299 |
0.395 |
Fortschritte Der Physik-Progress Of Physics |
0015-8208 |
3.263 |
Forum Mathematicum |
0933-7741 |
0.695 |
Fottea |
1802-5439 |
1.476 |
1554-0669 |
3.125 |
1386-4238 |
0.424 |
Foundations Of Computational Mathematics |
1615-3375 |
3.056 |
Foundations Of Physics |
0015-9018 |
1.083 |
Foundations of Science |
1233-1821 |
0.661 |
Fourrages |
0429-2766 |
0.405 |
Fractals-Complex Geometry Patterns And Scaling In Nature And Society |
0218-348X |
1.629 |
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis |
1311-0454 |
2.865 |
Free Radical Biology And Medicine |
0891-5849 |
6.02 |
Free Radical Research |
1071-5762 |
3.038 |
Frequenz |
0016-1136 |
0.28 |
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin |
1018-4619 |
0.673 |
Freshwater Biology |
0046-5070 |
3.767 |
Freshwater Science |
2161-9549 |
2.489 |
Friction |
2223-7704 |
1.869 |
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience |
1663-4365 |
3.582 |
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience |
1662-5153 |
3.138 |
Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark |
1093-9946 |
2.349 |
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology |
2235-2988 |
3.52 |
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience |
1662-5102 |
4.3 |
Frontiers in Chemistry |
2296-2646 |
4.155 |
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience |
1662-5188 |
2.073 |
Frontiers In Ecology And The Environment |
1540-9295 |
8.302 |
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience |
1662-5161 |
2.871 |
Frontiers in Immunology |
1664-3224 |
5.511 |
Frontiers in Life Science |
2155-3769 |
0.907 |
Frontiers in Microbiology |
1664-302X |
4.019 |
Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience |
1662-5099 |
3.902 |
Frontiers in Neural Circuits |
1662-5110 |
3.131 |
Frontiers in Neuroanatomy |
1662-5129 |
3.152 |
Frontiers In Neuroendocrinology |
0091-3022 |
6.875 |
Frontiers in Neuroinformatics |
1662-5196 |
3.074 |
Frontiers in Neurology |
1664-2295 |
3.508 |
Frontiers in Neurorobotics |
1662-5218 |
2.606 |
Frontiers in Neuroscience |
1662-453X |
3.877 |
Frontiers in Pharmacology |
1663-9812 |
3.831 |
Frontiers in Physiology |
1664-042X |
3.394 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
3.678 |
Frontiers in Psychology |
1664-1078 |
2.089 |
Frontiers in Zoology |
1742-9994 |
3.627 |
2095-0179 |
2.643 |
Frontiers of Computer Science |
2095-2228 |
1.105 |
Frontiers of Earth Science |
2095-0195 |
1.096 |
Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering |
2095-2201 |
1.961 |
Frontiers Of Hormone Research |
0301-3073 |
1.321 |
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering |
2095-9184 |
0.91 |
2095-025X |
1.478 |
Frontiers of Mathematics in China |
1673-3452 |
0.377 |
Frontiers of Medicine |
2095-0217 |
2.027 |
Frontiers of Physics |
2095-0462 |
1.892 |
Fruits |
0248-1294 |
0.644 |
Fuel |
0016-2361 |
4.908 |
Fuel Cells |
1615-6846 |
2.149 |
Fujitsu Scientific & Technical Journal |
0016-2523 |
0.176 |
Fullerenes Nanotubes And Carbon Nanostructures |
1536-383X |
1.011 |
Functional & Integrative Genomics |
1438-793X |
3.889 |
Functional Analysis And Its Applications |
0016-2663 |
0.571 |
Functional Ecology |
0269-8463 |
5.491 |
Functional Materials Letters |
1793-6047 |
1.084 |
Functional Plant Biology |
1445-4408 |
2.083 |
Fundamenta Informaticae |
0169-2968 |
0.725 |
Fundamenta Mathematicae |
0016-2736 |
0.561 |
Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology |
0767-3981 |
2.349 |
Fundamental and Applied Limnology |
1863-9135 |
1.361 |
Fungal Biology |
1878-6146 |
2.571 |
Fungal Biology Reviews |
1749-4613 |
3.967 |
Fungal Diversity |
1560-2745 |
14.078 |
Fungal Ecology |
1754-5048 |
3.736 |
Fungal Genetics And Biology |
1087-1845 |
3.476 |
Funkcialaj Ekvacioj-Serio Internacia |
0532-8721 |
0.563 |
Fusion Engineering And Design |
0920-3796 |
1.437 |
Fusion Science And Technology |
1536-1055 |
0.991 |
Future Medicinal Chemistry |
1756-8919 |
3.969 |
Future Microbiology |
1746-0913 |
3.19 |
1054-8289 |
1.588 |
Future Oncology |
1479-6694 |
2.369 |
Future Virology |
1746-0794 |
1.121 |
0016-3287 |
2.256 |
Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making |
1568-4539 |
2.022 |
Fuzzy Sets And Systems |
0165-0114 |
2.675 |